The Greatest Duet Ever Sung

For the first time, I feel compelled to write about a single song. Not about an album or an artiste but a song. I consider this song the greatest duet ever sung. Its so great that I don't think that even the original artistes (if the guy was alive) could repeat the performance. And that is a huge thing to say considering that the original singers are the legendary Kishore Kumar and Asha Bhosle. These two have sung some of the best duets in Hindi cinema. But none of them comes close to their best: “Jaan'e Jaan Dhoondtaa Phir Raha”.

To begin with this song as multifaceted as a diamond. The way the two singers' voices dance with each other creates an ethereal feel. When one singer sings the song, the other singer provides a melody with his/her voice. And they cease being two separate voices. This is a love song. And I must say that this song successfully captures ever aspect, every nuance of every emotion and feeling between two people when they are in love, be it the intoxication that both feel when they are in each other's company, or the lust that they feel for each other.

This song effectively conveys the feeling of the togetherness people feel when they are in love. The feeling that the two lovers are no longer two separate entities but have coalesced into one single entity. The ecstasy that one feels when one is in the same general are as one's lover. The sudden feeling of helplessness and vulnerability one feels when one looses sight of one's lover even for a brief moment. This song even entails the orgasm from a sexual union that does not feel sinful because it is between two people who are deeply in love with each other.

Back in the days when this song was sung, the tune and the lyrics usually did match up with each other but in this case t he match is perfect. The words, everyone knows what the words mean. But the tune is yet another deal. The tune is pure ecstasy, it is bliss. It gives you the feeling of floating in mid-air and everything is right, you have not a single concern in the world for your beloved is by your side and you are basking in the warmth of your lover's affection.

Its a dream like state that is so real you have no clue whether it is real or a dream. It feels too good to be true but it cannot be anything but true.

It depicts the state where the satisfying of one's desires entail the satisfying of the other's desires and one derives pleasure from satisfying the other's desire.

This song successfully and superbly encapsulates the feeling of blissful intoxication and the absolute ecstasy that comes over a couple in love.

A book could be written to describe how superlative this song is, and even that would come nowhere near sufficing as a description of the excellence of this song.

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