Pornography and the Human Race

These days it seems the idea of romance has long since made an exit from the human psyche. All the porn that we find on the net is to serve one purpose alone- to satisfy the human carnal need no matter what the cost. This notion of taking all that is available and giving as little as possible (if not giving anything at all is out of the question) has permeated well into our outlook on sex. This fact is well evident when encountered with the fact that the number of adult sites on the internet catering to BDSM and related themes is on the rise. It is this kind of outlook that has lead us to this deplorable state of affairs we find ourselves in. To realise just how sorry the state of affairs of out supposedly advanced 'civilization' is consider the fact that we now have to purchase drinking water and eventually will have to purchase water for all needs. There are even establishments in certain cities that sell oxygen rich air. These commodities that should have been free to begin with and are abundantly available on the earth are unusable thanks to none other than ourselves.

The great Mahatma Gandhi once said "Nature can provide for mankind's need but not for its greed." Rightly said that was. There has been a recent study which said that the amount of free energy available to the human being at present is unprecedented. Another study said that we are going to run out of supply of fossil fuels in the hear future- as near as 30 years hence. All these separately do not say much. But when put together and viewed as a whole they say one thing alone. WE ARE PAVING THE WAY TO OUR OWN DESTRUCTION and god forbid- extinction. Want more evidence to the way the actions of one section of our society can obliterate the ways of life of others? Read the blog called crazylaks.blogspot.com then you will see what our blind actions do to the human race.

So what does all this have to do with pornography? Very simple. We can take it for granted that porn is the medium that reaches out to the largest section of the human population. Aye, this is because by its nature pornography caters to the most primal desire of the human animal- lust. So as a medim, the makers of pornography have a duty to see to it that the human race doesnt get reduced to a tribe of selfish and greedy individuals who will hold onto their greed obstinately even in the face of inevitalbe destruction. This they should do by stressing the importance of giving along with taking. It is the least they can do for the sake of humanity.

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